5 Knob Compressor

Starting At $ 69.99

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KIT DOES NOT INCLUDE KNOBS, LED, or DC Adapter Jack!!!  We have too many options to include in a drop down menu.

Click here to select knobs.  Because of space limitations, we recommend using 1900, BYOC, Mini 1510, or Small Fluted style knobs, or knobs with an equal or smaller diameter.

Click here to select LED

Click here to select DC Adapter Jack.  Even if you plan on using a battery, you still need this part.

The BYOC 5 Knob Compressor is essentially a Ross Gray Compressor clone with the added "attack" knob mod, but the BYOC 5 Knob compressor takes the Ross clone to a whole new level.
It has Ratio and Tone knobs as well. The tone knob is unlike other tone knobs because it takes advantage of a pre-existing high-pass filter in the Ross circuit and makes it variable rather than tacking on a separate tone stack. So because it is a part of the circuit that was always there, it allows you to maintain the characteristics that made the circuit a classic, while at the same time allowing you to add some jangle to your tone and better match the pedal to single coils or humbuckers. The Ratio knob gives you parallel compression, allowing you to blend in various amounts of compressed and dry signal from 100% dry to 100% compressed. The Ratio control is an original BYOC design that is transistor based rather than the typical IC based blend circuit so that it keeps to the theme and tone of the original circuit. It is completely transparent and does not "correct" the signal phase which is important for maintaining the sound of the original and keeping it from becoming too sterile.
We've also bent the circuit so that it can accept the BA6110 chip which was designed specifically to replace the traditional CA3080 chip. The BA6110 is now obsolete too, but it was claimed to be more sensitive and have less distortion than the CA3080. This means longer sustain, more squish, more output, and more transparent tone with less noise. Let's not forget that the pedal is also true bypass. All of these features not only make the BYOC 5 Knob Compressor far more versatile than the Ross gray compressor and its clones, but it gives it a hi-fi studio polish that other stompbox compressors can't match.
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